Baumgartner, Wilhelm, Fréchette, Guillaume (Hg.): Brentano Studien XIV - 2016

Product no.: 978-3-89754-499-4

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Brentano Studien. Band 14: Metaphysics, Natural Sciences and Psychology
978-3-89754-499-4, 335 S., 15,5 cm x 23 cm, Broschur

Throughout his career, Brentano advocated for a strong unity between the natural sciences and philosophy, which was programmatically announced in his 1866 habilitation theses, but more or less systematically developed in his lectures and in his published works.


Guillaume Fréchette

John Woods
Obituary: Dale Jacquette: 19 April 1953 – 22 August 2016

Franz Brentano
Die Gesetze der Wechselwirkung der Naturkräfte und ihre Bedeutung für die Metaphysik

Franz Brentano
Zur Einstein-Lorentz’schen Frage und zu Lorentz’ Erklärungsversuch der von Michelson gemachten Erfahrung

Uriah Kriegel
Brentano’s Latter-Day Monism

Adrian Maître
Brentanos Gedankengang beim Beweise für das Dasein Gottes (1915)

Dale Jacquette
Brentano’s Signature Contributions to Scientific Philosophy

Ben Sheredos
Brentano’s Act Psychology Was Not Aristotelian (Or Else, Not Empirical)

Denis Fisette
Phenomena and Mental Functions. Karl Bühler and Stumpf’s Program in Psychology

Peter Andras Varga
The Impersonalien Controversy in Early Phenomenology. Sigwart and the School of Brentano

Mario Ariel González Porta
Kerry and the Evolution of Frege’s Critique of Psychologism

Klaus Hedwig
Buchrezension: Franz Brentano, La psicología de Aristóteles, con especial atención a la doctrina del entendimiento agente

Christian Allesch
Buchrezension: Mauro Antonelli (Hrsg.), Briefwechsel zwischen Brentano und Fechner

Giuliano Bacigalupo
Buchrezension: Franz Brentano, Aristotele e la sua visione del mondo

Hamid Taieb
Buchrezension: Denis Fisette and Riccardo Martinelli, Philosophy from an Empirical Standpoint. Essays on Carl Stumpf

Michele Paolini Paoletti
Buchrezension: Dale Jacquette, Alexius Meinong, The Shepherd of Non-Being


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