Wilhelm Baumgartner und Guillaume Fréchette (Hg.): Brentano Studien XVI

Artikel-Nr.: 978-3-89754-537-3

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Guillaume Fréchette
The “Philosopher of Intentionality” a Century Later

I. Brentano’s Metaphilosophy

Johannes L. Brandl
Brentano’s Renewal of Philosophy:
A Double-Edged Sword

Wolfgang Huemer
“Vera philosophiae methodus nulla alia nisi scientiae naturalis est”
Brentano’s Conception of Philosophy as Rigorous Science

Denis Fisette
Franz Brentano and Auguste Comte’s Positive Philosophy

Arnaud Dewalque
Natural Classes in Brentano’s Psychology

Susan Krantz Gabriel
Brentano on Darwin II: Science

Richard Schaefer
Hopes and Dreams in Fin-de-Siècle Vienna:
Brentano, History and the Jews


II. Metaphysics and Epistemology

Maria van der Schaar
Brentano on Truth and Evidence
Understanding Truth from a First-Person Point of View

Denis Seron
Intentionality and Epistemological Relativity

Olivier Massin
Brentanian Continua

III. Varieties of Aristotelianism

Mark Textor
Newton’s Intellectual Joy
Or A New Look at Brentano on Intellectual and Sensory Pleasure

Edoardo Fugali
Sensus communis and Imagination as Precursors
of Inner Perception in Brentano

Laurent Cesalli, Hamid Taieb
Brentano and Medieval Ontology

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