Wilhelm Baumgartner und Guillaume Fréchette (Hg.): Brentano Studien XVII, 2018/2019

Artikel-Nr.: 978-3-89754-582-3

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I. Ibero-Amerikanische Forschungen
zu Brentano und seiner Schule


Mario Ariel González Porta (Sao Paulo, BR),
Evandro O. Brito (Guarapuava und Sao Paulo, BR)

Presentation                                                                                             13

Mario Ariel González Porta (Sao Paulo, BR),
Evandro O. Brito (Guarapuava und Sao Paulo, BR)

Primary and Secondary Sources on Brentano
in Spanish and Portuguese                                                                          21

Mario Ariel González Porta (Sao Paulo, BR)

Brentano and his School on the Psychological Method                                    37

Luis Niel (Santa Fe, AR)

Brentano and Intentionality:
or How to Break Immanence from Within                                                   69

Joelma Marques de Carvalho (Salzburg, AT)

Ist alles Psychische bewusst und intentional?
Brentanos These und Searles Kritik                                                               99

Sergio Sánchez-Migallón (Madrid, ES),
Miguel Martí-Sanchez (Vitoria, ES)

The Originality of Franz Brentano’s Description
of ‘Correct Love’ and its Aristotelian Nexus                                                   117

David Torrijos-Castrillejo (Madrid, ES)

The Early Brentano and Plato’s God                                                            137

Arthur Heller Britto (New York, USA)

Brentanian Continua and their Boundaries                                                    157

Pedro M.S. Alves (Lissabon, PT)

The Not Always Conscious Mind
 A Reappraisal of Brentano’s Theses                                                            195

Sara Gallardo González (Ávila, ES)

Kausalität, ein Prüfstein des Denkens
von Franz Brentano                                                                                  227


II. Varia

Péter András Varga (Budapest, HU)

A Hitherto Unknown Letter
from Edmund Husserl to Géza Révész in 1913                                               251

Hao Liu (Beijing, CH)

Brentano’s Two Stages of Intentionality
in the Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint                                         265

Klaus Hedwig (Kerkrade, NL)

Rezension von Xolocotzi (Hg.), Actualidad de Franz Brentano,
México D. F., Universidad Iberoamericana, 2006. S. 263.
ISBN 968-859-596-9                                                                                285




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